Friday, October 19, 2007


It's odd, this life...and magical, and creepy, and welcome and amazing.

During the day yesterday, I found myself facing a moral dilemma: whether or not it was time to delete Annika's email address from my list of contacts. I paused, staring at her name, several times, and rather sheepishly sent her long defunct account the notice of my new address. The redundant "mail cannot be delivered" message stung a little too much and convinced me to - finally - let the email address go.

During the night yesterday, Annika visited my dreams again; but, for the first time, it was just Annika. There was no undercurrent of cancer or problems of any variety. She was merely joining her sister and our mother on a wild adventure through an airport and subsequent rodeo. In the dream, we were working together, laughing out loud, and having the most comfortable interactions imaginable.

Sure, the same-day email address deletion and dream visitation may be coincidental. It may also be coincidence that, last night, I happened to sleep in her white t-shirt with a blue Ganesha on it. But shrugging things off to boring coincidence is not how I roll. Annika doesn't show up in my dreams very often. Nor do I happen upon her email address or wear that shirt very often. Besides, it's more fun being a subscriber to the "it's all connected" line of thinking. It's sort of like religion - without having to be all religious - in the way it offers meaning to the daily drudgery and allows for a sense the profound.

Still, there's something niggling at me about this whole thing: we went to a freakin' rodeo?!


Sharisima said...

Hi Rita,
Seems I FINALLY got the right username and password! Can't tell you how many times I've been ignominiously kicked off this site!

Anyway, what a great blog! Your funny and personal and BRILLIANT posts are really something to look forward to!

Reading this latest story about Annika made me want to send you a poem I wrote - I don't know if it will fit here but I'll try. In any case, keep it coming - you're such a dynamic writer!

I Love You Still

I’ve gathered the stillness around me
And sat at your feet to wait.
I’ve climbed the mountain
And scanned the ridges
As far as I can see.

I’ve seen dragonflies dance over you by the hundreds
And heard the dry breeze shake
It’s leafy song.
I’m not sure how time is measured anymore
But I think I’ve waited too long.

It’s been a 30-year one-way conversation
In the spot where you disappeared
And if hope or
Wishing or faith could restore you
I know that you’d find your way here.

The time has come to release you
To leave off this waiting and set you free
Because all this time you’ve been boundless and happy
And the spirit of living has fallen to me.

In the birds of the air I release you
In the water of tears I set you free
In the rock of the land I honor you
In the rising of the sun I set you free.

Love 2 you, Shar

Anonymous said...

Hi Rita,
Your Mom sent me your blog link. How cool it was to read about you and your life. It has been SO long since I have seen you! I wanted to let you know that I especially liked this one about Annika. What a cool way to think about her and keep her memory going. It truly is the little things you don't think about after someone you love passes. When do you delete their phone number/e-mail address? Just wanted to let you know that this really touched me.

You Cuz,
