Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Apathetic Tendencies

Lately, as my friends will attest, I've been borderline fervent that "my" generation (and those that have followed "mine") have fallen victim to a raging case of entitlement. Which, I've observed, has turned us into a sorry bunch of apathetic, uninvolved, uninspired -- and uninspiring -- whiners. It's maddening and often sends me into weeks of the poor-me mopes when I notice my annoying active participation as a member of the club. How did we manage to land smack in our adulthood without a real sense of who we are? How did we get here without a stimulating, motivating passion for something, anything?

Was it that we weren't taught what it is to have a work ethic? Was it the glutton of the 1980s and 90s that confused us? Was it that the technology boom overwhelmed us with multi-media distractions?

I wish I knew. I wish I knew how to inspire myself and those around me into productivity and right action.

But first things first -- gotta check my email. ==========

OK, back.

This afternoon I'm, once again, crying over something I saw on the Internet. It's not over the content of the You Tube video, although it is moving; rather, it's the sense of hope that people might actually be doing alright in spite of all the obstacles we've put in our way.

I'm reminded that there are, of course, creative, intelligent and active folks out there representing and working hard to inspire our generation to knock of the entitlement apathy nonsense. For all the crap that technology brings us, I can't forget to check out all the beauty and good that comes along with it. I can't give up on the possibility that we might turn out OK, after all.