Thursday, June 24, 2010

Take That!

Recently, people have been telling me that I'm looking "well" or "so healthy." I'll admit it too, I sort of love receiving compliments about my appearance (of course, I mean, who doesn't?). Still, I struggle with the art of just taking said compliment.

Nope. Instead, my mind will let it bubble around for the rest of the day, searching for ways to discredit its good intentions. Soon enough, the word "healthy" turns into, "Looks like you've put on some weight." Then I start to wonder how hideous I used to look for someone to point out that I look better now.

Why do I do this to myself, right? I'm an educated, forward-thinking woman with a healthy sense of self worth and body confidence. Not only do I know better than to let myself think this way but I foster a regular habit of admonishing others when they do it. Yet there it is...self-doubt, nagging internal criticism, unnecessary fretting over the width of my hips.

Today's theory is that I'm yet another victim of societal pressures, especially media driven ones like unnatural skinniness, super cool hair and clear, wrinkle-free skin. Another reminder that even when I know full well it's a waste of time to worry about the 15 pounds I managed to find in a matter of weeks (or perhaps it was a mysterious shrinking of ALL my pants?), it doesn't exactly make taking the compliment for what it is any easier.

But, guess what? Today, I may have landed on a formula that will make it much easier.

First, when a precious compliment is given, I will say thank you and genuinely mean it. Then, I'll go ahead bask in the glowy warm goodness that comes with it. Finally, I'll toss aside concerns that I'm falling victim to conditioned ideas of what I should look like and simply love the fact that I am currently enjoying the most impressive cleavage of my life!