Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Heart Minesweeper

Despite all that I am capable of getting done in a day, I sure am easily distracted. For the last two years, I've been carrying on a love affair with the PC game, Minesweeper. The clickity clickity click of the game has become my constant companion at work. It whiles away the time when on hold and drowns out the siren call of online shopping. It fills in the doldrums of a slow afternoon and feeds the procrastinator within. It's more addicting than most substances and the box-grid has made appearances in my dreams far too many times.

At one point, I figured it was time to show some control over my obsession; so I broke it off with Minesweeper entirely. "Free, at last," I thought, pressing the delete button with authority. Weeks went by - perhaps even a month or two - during which I found myself yearning for the friend I had so coldly banished from my life. Eventually, guilt got the better of me. The days without Minesweeper had left me far too efficient and there was time to kill. Imagine the elation when I found my love awaiting restoration in the trash!

Things feel back to normal now with Minesweeper back in his rightful place along my taskbar. My addiction is fed on a continual basis and the husband doesn't even have to know a thing about it because, thankfully, the home computer is Minesweeper-free.

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