Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Car Horn is Not, Repeat NOT, a Doorbell

You know, I'm a patient person. A very patient person. And I'm quite forgiving, too. My demeanor is pretty much even at all times.

But, seriously, all it takes is five seconds of car horn honking from the street -- which I can only assume is to alert someone that their ride is here -- to drive me to the point of fantasizing ridiculous acts violent rage.

Today, it drove me straight to the blog. Is this not the age of cell phones, people? USE them! Or park your damned car and walk your lazy ass to the door.

Or else I'm going to think very bad thoughts about you!

Phew, I feel better.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Beep and release, beep and release...ahhhhhh....beep beep and releeeeassssse....

Bob McDermott said...

and "Tagging" betray my Bleeding Liberal Heart. It makes me want to do loud, violent things. Luckily, I have a lovely wife who has mad skills at calming me down.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! I'm not the only "crazy" one, then. My thoughts exactly regarding car horns used as doorbells.

In my neck of the woods, people do that no matter what the hour of day or night. Have we lost our sense of each other's boundaries? Or was this always happening and I just didn't notice until around 15 years ago?

Anyway, such rudeness seems to get worse every year. It's things like this, as well as dog owners who seem oblivious to their neighbors' rights to quiet enjoyment (or even a few hours of sleep), that get this otherwise even-tempered person really POed. Ooohhh...don't get me started on car stereos...